Sunday 27 September 2009

Sunset Spirituality

There are many different definitions of spirituality out there. From a practical perspective I like the definition by Georgeanne Lamont and Sally Burns:-

'Spirituality is not religion; it is not about beliefs, creeds or dogmas. It is about being fully alive, relationships and that which gives meaning and purpose to life.'

'Spirituality is falling in love with life'

 The following are a series of 'Twitters' which flowed from me in the space of 35 minutes, as I sat watching the sunset in this picture, taken on my phone camera in the Worcestershire Lickey Hills one Saturday evening at the end of September 2009.

They are my sunset spirituality moments. A heartfelt example of what spirituality means to me.

'I'm sitting at the top of The Lickey Hills,
watching the deep pink sunset gently caress the horizon.
Its heavenly goodnight kiss lingers in the air'

'I can scarce catch my breath.
I feel like a welcomed voyeur,
as nature unfurls its gifts at my
weary feet.
But, oh my, the climb has been
worth it :-D

'As if on the cue of an invisible conductor,
a half moon becomes visible.
A loving midwife,
calling the dusk to birth.'

'The sun has slid gently off the horizon,
leaving a colourwash of reds & oranges
in its wake.
Its rich palette is beyond any
artist's ken.'

'A mild chill layers the air,
brought to me on a gentle breeze.
I pull my jacket closer around me
to preserve my warmth.
I'm sat at nature's ringside seat.'

'My soul urges me to linger for
a while longer.
I hear it whisper to me:
"Stay, the best is yet to come."

'The soft hues of the departing
sunset are a marvel to behold.
A young couple walk by, hand in hand.
The dying embers of the sunset reflect
their eternal love.'

'Darkness closes in and sweeps
me off my feet.
I promise my Celtic heart
that I will return.
For to watch a sunset,
is to fall in love with life X'

I bless the gift of this sunset
For the gentle way it held me
and refused to let me go. 
For the loving way it gave me
a glimpse of nature's glory.
For the wise way it brought me
nearer to knowing who I am.
For the exquisite way it helped me
fall in love with life.
All over again

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